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color challenge ideas

Color Challenge Ideas to Spark Creativity

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Have you ever come across a color challenge? Color challenges are a fun way to limit yourself to using certain colors or specific pallets for coloring projects. It can ignite your imagination and turn ordinary days into vibrant adventures. It is a fun way to boost your creativity. Keep reading to find some common coloring challenge ideas and how you can do it.


Colors are like magic. They can make your world come alive. And color challenges are like a playground for your inner artist. They make you think differently, experiment with colors, and surprise yourself with what you can create. So, are you ready to go on this colorful adventure?

What is a Color Challenge?

A Color Challenge is a creative exercise where colorists limit themselves to using a specific number of colors to create artwork. The goal is to stimulate creativity and experiment with color combinations. 

It lets you explore different artistic techniques while working within these constraints. It’s a fun way to push creative boundaries and discover new possibilities within the world of color.

Common Color Challenges

Some common Color Challenges are:

  • Color Opposites Challenge

Colors that stand out together can create magic. Pick two contrasting colors in this challenge, like black and white or red and green. Now, use them to make something striking. The challenge here is to make those colors pop like fireworks on a night.

  • Two-Color Challenge

Ever heard of “less is more”? In this challenge, choose two colors – one main star and one supporting character. Create something minimalist yet powerful with this duo. It’s like creating a world with just a whisper of color.

  • Three-Color Challenge

The Three Color Challenge is a creative exercise where you limit yourself to using only three specific colors to create an artwork. You’ll be in awe of the stunning results you can achieve with just three colors. 

coloring page with pink flowers and green leaves with markers laying on top of page

Easy 3 Color Challenge Ideas For Adult Colorists

Now that you know what a three-color challenge is, let’s explore some common three-color challenge ideas and how you can do it:

  • Triad Palette Color Color Challenge

This challenge is like a colorful game for artists. You start with a big color wheel with lots of colors on it, like a rainbow. Then, you pick one color from the circle, any color you like. After that, you choose two more colors next to it on the circle. These three colors become your team.

How to do it:

  • First, choose one color that you like from a color wheel. Let’s say you pick blue.
  • Now, look at the colors next to blue on the wheel. These are your two additional colors. For example, you might choose green and purple.
  • Your challenge is to use only these three colors to create a fantastic piece of art. In this case, blue, green, and purple are your colors.
  • Emotion Expression Color Challenge

Colors have moods, too. Think about how you feel when you see a bright, sunny yellow versus a calm, soothing blue. For this challenge, choose a mood you want to express. Pick three colors that match that mood. Then, create an artwork that shouts out that feeling. It’s like painting your emotions!

How to do it:

  • Pick a mood. Think about your feelings or the emotions you want to show in your project. Is it happy, sad, calm, or exciting?
  • Select three colors that match that feeling. For example, you might choose bright shades like yellow, red, and orange to show happiness. If you are sad, you can choose shades of black, gray, or brown.
  • Now, use these three colors to create an artwork expressing your emotions. Paint, draw, or craft something that expresses your mood.
  • The Monochromatic Challenge 

Ever seen a black-and-white movie? Now, try something similar with color. Pick one color and stick to it, but use different shades. Light, dark, and everything in between. Now, create something that’s all about the magic of one color. It’s like a color symphony in a single hue.

How to do it:

  • Choose one color you like. Let’s say you pick blue.
  • Now, look for light blue, dark blue, and everything in between. These are different shades of your chosen color.
  • Your mission is to make something unique using only these shades of blue. 
  • The Surprise Palette Challenge

This one’s for adventurous souls. Blindfold yourself and grab three random colors from your art supplies. No peeking! Now, whatever colors you’ve got, that’s your palette. Create a masterpiece with this surprise trio. It’s like a colorful surprise party for your imagination!

How to do it:

  •  First, close your eyes so you can’t see your art supplies.
  • Reach out and grab three random colors without looking. These are your surprise colors!
  • Now, use these surprise colors to make a fun artwork. 
  • The Nature Palette Challenge

Mother Nature is the best artist. Go outside and find inspiration in the colors of nature. The Nature Palette is like bringing the beauty of the outdoors into your art. It’s a fantastic way to explore the colors that Mother Nature paints our world with. Choose three colors you see in the world around you. Now, use these shades of nature to create your own masterpiece.

How to do it:

  • Step into nature, like a park, garden, or even your backyard.
  • Look around and pay attention to the colors you see in nature. It could be the green of leaves, the blue of the sky, the brown of the earth, or any other colors that catch your eye.
  • Choose three colors from nature that you like the most. These are your nature-inspired colors.
  • Use these natural colors to make beautiful artwork. 


In the colorful art world, challenges are the brushes that paint our imagination. Whether spinning the Color Wheel or going on a Monochrome Mission, these challenges are your ticket to a world of creativity. So, grab your colors and let your artistic spirit soar. With every stroke, you’re crafting your own vibrant masterpiece, not just creating art. Happy coloring!

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