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Coloring as a Social Activity for Adults

Mindful Coloring as a Social Activity for Adults. The Benefits of Mindful Coloring for Adults. 

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For most adults around the world, the words “adult gatherings” and “coloring” might not have ever come together in the same sentence. 


In reality, mindful coloring parties are becoming the talk of the town! 


The best part? You can color at home and for much cheaper. To find out more, keep reading to know:


  • What is Mindful Coloring?
  • Mindful Coloring as a Social Activity for Adults
  • The Benefits of Mindful Coloring for Adults 
  • And more!   

What is Mindful Coloring?


Mindful coloring is an artistic medium used to enter a state of mindfulness. 


To understand mindful coloring, we need to understand what mindfulness is. 

What is mindfulness? 

The American Psychological Association simply defines mindfulness as being present in the moment.


This also means that you are aware of what emotions, feelings and behaviors you are experiencing in the present. 


To be mindful, you also need to be as non-judgemental as possible towards yourself. This helps and allows you to be present in the moment and feel calmer. 

Mindful Coloring 

Now mindful coloring is one of the ways you can achieve that present or “in-the-moment” state. Like kids’ coloring books, these designs are already drawn. All you have to do is color them. 


Carl Jung is a world-renowned psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He placed emphasis on the use of pre-drawn pictures, especially mandela designs. 


He believed that mindful coloring and the use of mandala designs can give you the chance to take a break. They help you break away from the negative emotions and feelings within you. If you need a break and want to relax, mindful coloring is the way to go!

Mindful Coloring as a Social Activity for Adults

Adults can benefit from mindful coloring as a social activity. Reconnecting with friends and color together to de-stress. You can always plan ahead and set the tone. It is also wise to keep supplies on hand and play some music while enjoying each other’s company. 


Planning to host a mindful coloring party? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you host your party:

Plan Ahead


Think about what you will need for the party. Will you be providing the material? Or will each guest bring things that they prefer?


Either way, there are some supplies that you should keep for your party. These can include coloring books or pages and different coloring supplies such as pencils, watercolors. Your guests can use them if they forget their own supplies or prefer yours! 


Set the Tone

The goal of the gathering is to reconnect and de-stress together. Your home also needs to reflect that. Think of things that will help promote an artistic and relaxing environment. 


You can print some coloring pages and set them on a large table. You could also use small baskets. Place different color pencils or watercolors in them to promote the artistic environment. 


You could also use scented candles with Lavender or any other scents to help everyone relax. Finally, use music to your advantage. Play some relaxing background music, Lo-fi, or your favorite songs to jam and de-stress to! 

Mandatory Snacks! 

All this interaction and enjoyment can make you hungry! Keep some fruits or mixed nuts to help keep your artistic flow going. 

Top Tip: Avoid serving deep-fried foods! 

Fried foods are tempting but it is in your best interest to avoid them. A study investigated the effects of fried foods on mental health. 

Results link eating fried foods with higher rates of anxiety and depression

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The Benefits of Mindful Coloring for Adults


Mindful coloring has been investigated many times. Results show that this simple act helps with anxiety, depression, stress, improve your sleep and help you focus better. 

Helps with Anxiety and Depression 


Countless studies investigate the effects of coloring for adults. One study investigated its effects on university students. One group with coloring and the other group who didn’t color.


The results show us that university students who colored as a task had improved psychologically. They showed reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression when compared to the group that did not color. 

Fun fact: Want to relax? Choose coloring over drawing!

A group of scientists wanted to compare the effects of coloring and drawing. They found that coloring was better at reducing anxiety and depression. 

Improves Sleep Quality


Since mindful coloring helps reduce anxiety symptoms, it can promote relaxation. 


Experts have stated that the use of electronic gadgets before bed can disrupt your process of falling asleep. The blue light coming from your devices disrupts the production of a sleepy hormone called melatonin. This makes it more difficult for you to sleep. 


So, instead of using your phones, tablets or laptops to help you sleep, a little bit of coloring before you go to bed will help you sleep better. 


Enhances your Mindfulness


As mentioned before, mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present. Practicing mindfulness through coloring is helpful. You learn how to ignore the distraction in your surroundings. It also helps you focus on yourself in a non judgemental way. 


All of these help you stay in the moment on a day to day basis. 


Physiological Benefits 


Believe it or not, mindful coloring also helps your body relax! A reduction in anxiety symptoms also means that mindful coloring helps lower your heart rate and your blood pressure. 


Coloring can also help decrease body aches caused by anxiety. 

Key Takeaway


Mindfulness is the practice of being in the present. One of the ways you can help stay in the present is through coloring. 


Mindful coloring is a wonderful way to reconnect with your friends and de-stress as well. 

You can set up a mindful coloring party for all your friends! 


Lastly, mindful coloring has many benefits. The act can help reduce depression, anxiety and help you sleep better. It also has wonderful effects on your body. 


So pull out your pencils and sharpen them up! Mindful coloring is scientifically proven to help you.